Remote IT Support: An Essential in Today’s World

With a large portion of your workforce likely working from home, it’s now more important than ever to make sure you have reliable remote IT support services.

After all, remote IT support is pretty darn magical in a time of pandemic – here’s why. 

What Is Remote IT Support?

First off, let’s cover the basics: 

Remote IT support is what you get when you hire an outsourced IT support company to take care of your business. These helpful folks take care of your team’s tech troubles and questions all day, every day (and all night too!) 

Working with a remote IT support team is pretty great, actually. It means that your office’s tech-inclined people finally get to focus on their job duties instead of fixing the printer, and it means that large and small tech issues are taken care of instantly instead of being placed on the back burner until you have time to get to them. 

In short, remote IT support results in instant IT support – and that gives your company the ability to get back on track instantly after a tech setback. 

Why Remote IT Support Matters So Much Right Now

As a busy business leader, we’re sure this isn’t the first time you’ve considered hiring someone else to deal with your staff’s tech issues. It certainly isn’t the first time you’ve figured that maybe it would be better if someone else had to find important missing files after a computer crash at 4:00 AM. Surely, you’ve Googled “remote IT support” before. 

But here you are again. This time you’re really interested because you know you need a change. 

Now, just to clarify, it may seem like we were reading your mind a second ago – but we don’t have that ability. We were simply making an educated guess about your situation. In fact, we have no idea what’s been going on with your business’s technology lately… but, again, we can make an educated guess. 

Perhaps one of these situations sounds familiar? 

  • You just found out that one of your employees thinks she’s been hacked because she discovered spyware on her phone – the very same phone she’s been using to open business emails for months, almost all of which contained sensitive company data. 
  • You’re not sure how to access certain files away from your office network and that means you keep having to go to your darkened, empty office all alone, at all hours. Every time you get in the car to drive to the office, you wonder if this really counts as “essential travel.” 
  • You set up SharePoint to empower your remote workers… and then realized that no one in your company (including you) can make heads or tails out of the darn program. You now spend a lot of your day troubleshooting staff SharePoint issues. 
  • You absolutely, 100% despise having to walk staff members through troubleshooting steps over the phone (OMG the time it takes!), and your Microsoft support bills are starting to worry you. 

If these situations are hitting a little too close to home, just know that you’re not alone. Pretty much every one of our new clients for remote IT support has experienced something similar. 

Here’s something else you probably have in common with our clients: the big sigh of relief that you’ll have when an experienced, friendly IT support team like Interplay takes over for you. 

The Other Big Reason Remote IT Support Matters Right Now

In a pandemic, there’s one other really big reason why remote IT support matters: 

Remote IT support folk have remote access to your IT setup, which means they can fix issues for you without having to come anywhere near you. 

In our socially distanced current world, this matters. A lot. It also helps speed up your productivity. Why? Because when you work with a leading managed services provider (MSP) with remote access IT support capabilities, that team can fix your IT issue as well as the IT issues of 7 of your employees all in the same day

Even when all of you are working, remotely, from your homes. 

Even if one of you lives way out at the end of a tree-lined, dirt road on Whidbey.

When you stop to think about it, it sounds kind of magical, doesn’t it? 

You can tell us, you know, that that’s really why you Googled “remote IT support” today. So that a top IT expert, located right here in Seattle, would be able to pretty much wave a magic wand and solve all of your tech issues for you. Like, right now.  

Interplay – You Just Found Your Magical Remote IT Support Expert

Okay, full disclosure here: we don’t have magic wands at Interplay. Instead, what we have is a team of highly experienced IT support experts, who are personable, friendly, and kind – and who actually truly enjoy being able to lend a helping hand when your tech goes sideways. 

So, go ahead: Reach out to the experts at Interplay. 

We may not be magical mind readers, but we sure can predict that you’ll be extremely glad you took the time to find out how awesome life and work can be when you work with a remote IT support company. 


Photo by Bench Accounting from Unsplash