If the hack of Yahoo corporate and compromise of hundreds of millions of account users’ data wasn’t enough of a reason to delete your Yahoo account and never look back, how about the fact that former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer gave a thumbs-up to the U.S. Government’s request to be able to search each and every email in her company’s database? Not that anyone worth their salt uses Yahoo for anything but an occasional news feed, or getting information from Yahoo Answers, but if you’re still naively or archaically using Yahoo to send and receive emails that have any kind of personally-identifiable or sensitive information in them at all, this post is for you.
The plain fact of the matter is that if you are still using Yahoo to regularly send and receive emails, you are engaging in a platform that has opted-in to NSA spying in the biggest way (literally). To illustrate how badly compromised, spied-on, and hacked-into Yahoo.com is, Alex Stamos, the new head of security at fellow spy tool Facebook resigned in protest at the blasé disregard of his former CEO for her colleagues’ input on green-lighting NSA spying throughout her company’s platform. To wit, Facebook can now look at Yahoo and say, “Wow, they are a government spy’s dream come true.”
How to Permanently Delete Your Yahoo Account
Ironically, the top-rated answer on Google for “how to delete yahoo account” lands you on a Yahoo Answers page! To close your Yahoo account permanently, go to this link: https://edit.yahoo.com/config/delete_user, where you will be asked to sign in. If it’s been a while since you’ve logged into your account (since the hacking occurred) you will be asked to change your password. After doing this, you will be taken to a page that explains the implications of deleting your account, will be prompted to re-enter your new password – plus a captcha – and then you can click on a button that says “close my account,” or something to that effect. It will then tell you that “Your account is scheduled for deletion in 90 days. This is to ensure that no illegal third-party activity occurs using it.” Yeah, like the NSA yard sale Marissa Mayer had with her users’ email account data? And, the subsequent hacking of hundreds of millions of accounts – all of which didn’t put a dent in the ex-Yahoo CEO’s nearly half a billion-dollar net worth? You mean that kind of illegal third-party activity, Yahoo? Thanks for your conscientiousness.
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